General conditions of Sale

  1. General informations
  2. Object
  3. Prices
  4. Recording
  5. Orders - Order Confirmation - Product Availability
  6. Billing
  7. Payment methods
  8. Delivery - Shipping
  9. Returns
  10. Withdrawal
  11. Disputes
  12. Jurisdiction

1 - General Information

The present sales conditions are intended to regulate and clarify the relationship between Amelia Casablanca Ltd., hereinafter referred to as Amelia Casablanca, and its customers, having to make reference to them for each transaction made via the website For all matters not expressly provided herein, reference should be made to existing legislation; in any case, for further information please contact Amelia Casablanca to the email address:

With referenced to Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70 Art. 7 provides the following mandatory General information:


Social description;: Amelia Casablanca Ltd.
Registered office: Via Fiorentino, 17 – 98028 Santa Teresa di Riva (ME)
Direct contact: AMELIA CASABLANCA: Tel: 0942 794552 – Mail:
VAT number: 02951140835


2 - Subject

These Conditions governing the online sale of products (ie, all material offered for sale by Amelia Casablanca on the site by Amelia Casablanca to its customers (natural or legal person that is registered to the site and buy products), in accordance with the provisions of current Italian law and in particular by Legislative Decree no. 6 September 2005, n. 206 ( "Consumer Code") and subsequent amendments.

3 - Prices

All prices quoted on the website are intended VAT included. Amelia Casablanca can change prices at any time, having considered valid and binding in the individual transaction prices in the order indicated and in the order confirmation referred to in paragraph 5 below.

4 - Recording

Navigation on the site can be freely performed by any user. To be able to proceed with the purchase, however, it is necessary to provide the recording through the respective module. By registering the customer declares to be of age, to have viewed the 'disclosures for the processing of personal data and to have given their consent in relation to such treatment.

The data provided by the Customer may be changed in the specific section of this personal data.

5 - Orders - Order Confirmation - Product Availability

The customer order will proceed in the manner provided on site, Amelia Casablanca within 24 hours of receiving the order will issue order confirmation, which will be sent to the customer by e-mail address indicated by the Client himself on the registration form. The order will not be processed if the customer in the registration form will not indicated his tax number or VAT number. Failure to send the confirmation of the order in the deadline indicated above must be understood as non-acceptance of the same. In the order confirmation will summarize the conditions applicable to the sale, the essential characteristics of the products, the indication of the price and the cost of delivery (with evidence of related taxes applied), and the terms to be able to exercise the right of withdrawal. In view of the fact that the possibility of sending orders online by multiple clients simultaneously can change in real time the consistency of stock of products, Amelia Casablanca does not guarantee the availability of products, however, pledging to communicate rapidly to the customer 's any inability to process the order.

If there are any offers, it will be indicated for each of them the same offer period.

6 - Invoicing

The merchandise is always delivered accompanied by a regular receipt or invoice issued at the time of shipment as per customer's request.

7 - Payment

Customer may provide for the payment of products ordered alternatively with one of the following procedures.

Paypal and bank transfer: payments made before delivery of the goods on bank account or via Paypal payable to Amelia Casablanca Ltd. that will be specified in the order confirmation. Payment will be made by the customer within a period of three (3) days of receipt of the order confirmation. Upon expiration of this period the order will be automatically canceled. In the reason it must be necessarily indicated the order number and the date. On the use of these forms of payment, and in order to accelerate the delivery procedures, it is advisable to anticipate the transfer of accounting forwarding it via email to

8 - Delivery - Shipping

Cost of transportation:

The price of transportation is always including VAT
The price of transport is calculated based on the amount of items ordered.
In summary:

  • 0,00 €: direct collection at our stores
  • 10,90 €: Delivery by express courier for amounts up to € 200.00
  • 9,90 €: Delivery by express courier for amounts from € 200.01 to € 1000.00
  • FREE for amounts exceeding € 1,000.00


Delivery time

Delivery of goods ordered vary in view of the order made by the customer (eg. If the property is available) and the method of delivery chosen by the same. The times given for delivery times are indicative only and are in no way binding on Amelia Casablanca.
Here's the calculation that we apply:
Availability + transport = total time of delivery
Using the transport courier, you will receive the ordered product in a time ranging from 3 to 6 working days from time of order. If the product is available.
The order shall be deemed to be accepted, pursuant to the Law, and will therefore be processed only at the actual receipt of payment.
The calculation of the transport time is obtained by taking into account orders received by 10.00 hours in each working day. Saturday, Sunday and days of National / Local Holidays are not considered for the calculation of the shipping days.

Receipt of Goods

Upon receipt of the goods the customer is required to check:
- The number of packages delivered is as specified in the transport document
- that the packaging is intact and not altered even in the closing strip, strips of packaging.
In case of tampering and / or breaks the customer will immediately challenge the shipment and / or delivery, refusing the same, or by adding the words "subject to control GOODS FOR ..." (indicate the reason) on the delivery note received by courier or by another operator.
The customer then must report to Amelia Casablanca damage within 3 (three) days of receipt of goods in the manner prescribed by the operator chosen for the shipment and / or delivery.
In case the customer fails to collect within 5 (five) working days the goods ordered and present in storage at the depot of the courier and / or Amelia Casablanca because of repeated inability to deliver to the address specified by the customer when ordering , the same order will be canceled.

9 - Made catalog

In case of damaged or defective merchandise you can make the return of the goods.
The expenses of the return of the goods are charged to the customer, while the return shall be borne by Amelia Casablanca. If Amelia Casablanca after checking the material you encounter the fault stated by the customer, will be charged at the same also the return expenses.

10 - Withdrawal

Come previsto dalla normativa vigente, è facoltà del Cliente Consumatore esercitare il diritto di recesso, anche parziale, restituendo i Prodotti ed ottenendo il rimborso delle spese sostenute. Il diritto di recesso è riservato esclusivamente ai Consumatori, mentre è escluso per le persone giuridiche e per le persone fisiche che effettuano l’acquisto per scopi attinenti all’attività imprenditoriale o professionale svolta. Per esercitare il diritto di recesso il Cliente Consumatore entro 10 (dieci) giorni lavorativi dalla data di ricezione dei Prodotti dovrà inviare una comunicazione a mezzo raccomandata a/r a Amelia Casablanca srl – Via Fiorentino n° 17 – 98028 Santa Teresa di Riva (ME). Tale comunicazione può essere anticipata a mezzoe-mail, a condizione che venga poi confermata entro le 48 (quarantotto) ore successive a mezzo raccomandata con avviso di ricevimento. Una volta inviata la comunicazione il Cliente non dovrà immediatamente rispedire i Prodotti, ma verrà contattato da Amelia Casablanca entro i 30 (trenta) giorni successivi alla ricezione della comunicazione da parte della stessa, per stabilire le modalità di spedizione. In ogni caso, i Prodotti dovranno essere restituiti integri, nei loro imballi originali, completi di ogni accessorio e privi di danni ed in un pacco che indichi con precisione le generalità del Cliente (nome, cognome e indirizzo). Le spese per la restituzione dei Prodotti sono a carico del Cliente; non verranno dunque accettate restituzioni in contrassegno o in porto assegnato. In caso di recesso, al Cliente verranno restituite tutte le somme corrisposte al momento dell’ordine, comprese quelle di spedizione. Le uniche spese che rimarranno a carico del Cliente, pertanto e come specificato al paragrafo precedente, sono quelle per la restituzione dei Prodotti. Il rimborso verrà effettuato da Amelia Casablanca nel più breve tempo possibile e, comunque, entro 30 (trenta) giorni dalla restituzione dei Prodotti stessi.

11 - Disputes

All disputes between the company and the consumer will be managed in the form of court through conciliation service of the Chamber of Commerce of Messina. The costs of the dispute are borne by the party requesting conciliation.

12 - Disputes

The local jurisdiction for disputes on e-commerce contracts of the civil courts' of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the state. "
In case of dispute the jurisdiction is the domicile or physical residence of the consumer.